Monday, October 14, 2013

Why Your Free Website is Costing You Money...

In today's do it yourself world, a free website seems like a perfect way to add your business to the World Wide Web.  All you have to do is create your free account and start adding pages of information and pictures.  Lots of pictures...  As I say this, I envision, numerous if not hundreds of websites that I've seen with pictures that tell a story but is it the right story for your business.  This way of approaching "what content to add to your site" holds true as well.

Let me explain...

All business owners start out with a passion for their company.  They have to be thorough in their plan to create a successful business.  They watch cash flow,  the buying and selling of inventory.  You have to be aware of your bottom line.    That's where the "do it yourself" websites come in handy...  Right?  It's free, it's accessible, and let's face it, in the new economy, it's free.(Yeah I said "free" twice)  Sounds good so far...

But once you begin to put your site together you find yourself seeking help in tutorials, and snobby online forums, outdated books at the library or your cousins kid about what to do next. You will spend countless hours re-inventing the wheel and learning the art of web development all while trying to maintain your business. Statistically your website has less than 30 seconds to grab a customers attention or lose them forever, are you confident in your ability to do that? You have to have knowledge of how the World Wide Web works in order to make it work for you and your business.

Now knowing what you know about building your site; adding the correct information, pictures and content, you might realize one very big thing about your "free" website; with the time it has taken you to design your site,  create meaningful content, search for and upload and place the best pictures, you begin to see the bigger picture and realize that you are being taken away from your business and the needs that need to be met to help your business grow. So you have to ask yourself what is my time worth? Every minute I spend on my "free" site is time that is taken away from my business. How do I create a website with great content that will have your customers coming back for more and at an affordable price.

That's why, at CircaTek, we take pride in things we do.  Whether its creating a beautifully designed custom site, to online marketing or content creation, we work with your vision and business model; add our creativity and know how, to bring your business online for the twenty first century.

We design and manage online content for your business because you have enough to worry about.  It's not about a  partnership, its a business relationship.  One that's surprisingly affordable.

Contact us today. Find out how we can help grow your business online.  With our free (yes it really is) consultation.  We will tell you how we can help you, and how we will do it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why Facebook is not enough!

The last few weeks I have had the opportunity to ask small business owners what kind of marketing they do for their businesses.  I inquire about their website and about the content that they have for a first time visitor as well as the return customer.  I was quite surprised at each and everyone I spoke to and their response.  ‘Oh we have Facebook and that is how we do our marketing’.  I am not sure when Facebook became the only sales tool for some businesses, but if a business just has a Facebook and you want to grow your business outside of friends, family and the people who like you (maybe you have around 1,000 to 100,000 likes, which is great and by the way congratulations) you can’t expect gains with the limited reach of just Facebook.

Don’t get me wrong, Facebook is a great tool to reach your clients, but how do you expect for people to find out about your business if your reach is limited?  That’s why having a well designed website, programmed by a professional with knowledge of how S.E.O. works is vital in today’s new economy.  Oh, and by-the-way, because of the ever changing worldwide web, you also need to have fresh and updated content, that is easy to find and explains what you can do for your clients.  Then, you can let your clients, friends and family know what’s new with your business through Facebook.

We can help you get connected and stay connected.  Find new clients, and transition all your friends and likes from Facebook, to your professionally designed, created and marketed website.  We also know that today’s marketplace calls for a realization of today’s new economy.  That fact is not lost on us here at CircaTek.  You might be surprised at how affordable we are.  Visit our website or call us today to find out more about what we can do for you. The longer you wait for people to find you on Facebook the more opportunities you are missing.

CircaTek.  Total Web Management.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is any marketing that uses digital bytes to spread a message instead of ink and paper.

Examples would be websites, social media, videos, ads, blogs(like this one), mobile (sms texting) and email campaigns.

Why do you need Digital Marketing?
You can reach customers 24 hours a day.
Because of the popularity of the internet, print is a dying media - being quickly replaced by digital formats. (When was the last time you used a paper phone book?)

There are over 275 million people in the United States who use the internet according to By use of Digital Marketing, these are all potential customers! Think Nationally instead of locally.

Thank you for reading our blog.  This is the first in an on-going series of tech related articles.

If you have any questions feel free to post here or you can contact us at our website.

Tip of the week:
Content is king! It's not enough to have simply built a Facebook or other social media page and sit on your laurels. You have give customers exciting and frequently updated content that brings them back to your page over and over.